While we can't hold an in-person poster session, we still want to share emerging work in autism research.

Poster sessions are often a great way to see research in its early stages, which means that results presented in posters may change as projects progress or further research is conducted.

All of the posters went through a strict review process and were evaluated by both researchers and community members.

Just click on the poster title to see it in full.

List of posters:

1. Clinicians' perspectives on delivering and adapting therapeutic services for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Natasha Baxter, Charlotte Donaldson, Jesse Whetton and Stephanie Petty, University of York

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2. Autism research priorities: Past, present, and if the future was determined by autistics

Independent Autism Research Group: Joanna Baker-Rogers, Luke Beardon, Nick Chown, Liz Hughes, Julia Leatherland, Shona Murphy and Elsa Suckle

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3. "Anything but the phone": Communication mode of preference in the autism community

Philippa Howard and Felicity Sedgewick

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Philippa and Felicity explaining their research on Youtube.

4. Judgments about autistic students' academic performance based on brief samples of behaviour

Afaf Alhusayni, Lauran Marsh and Elizabeth Sheppard

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5. Observation & reported measures of language & pragmatics in autistic young people: a comparison between sex/gender profiles

Alexandra Sturrock, Antonia Mardsen, Catherine Adams and Jenny Freed

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Alexandra explaining their research on Youtube.

6. "Someone likeminded in a big place": autistic school leavers attitudes toward autism-specific peer support programs in mainstream secondary education

Catherine J. Crompton, Sonny Hallett, Harriet Axbey, Christine McAuliffe and Katie Cebula

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7. In their own words: the impact of subtle language & communication difficulties as described by autistic girls & boys without intellectual disability

Alexandra Sturrock, Katie Foy, Helen Chilton, Jenny Freed and Catherine Adams

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Alexandra explaining their research on Youtube.

8. A qualitative exploration of autistic adults' health and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Marguerite Leoni, Gavin R. Stewart, Rebecca A. Charlton, Hannah R. Pickard and Francesca Happe

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Marguerite explaining their research on Youtube.

9. Relationship between sensory reactivity differences and classroom behaviour of autistic children

Hannah Marcham and Teresa Tavassoli

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10. Changes in stereotypic behaviours following an integrative neuromuscular training intervention: variations by autistic symptom severity

Craig Coffey, Damien Sheehan, Avery D. Faigenbaum, Sean Healy, Rhodri S. Lloyd, R.S. and Sharon Kinsella

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Craig explaining their research on Youtube.

11. Disorder-specific alterations of tactile sensitivity in neurodevelopmental disorders

Jason He, Ericka Wodka, Mark Tommerdahl, Richard A.E. Edden, Mark Mikkelsen, Stewart H. Mostofsky and Nicolaas Puts

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12. What can be done to support autistic students to prepare for the workplace? A participatory action research study at Liverpool John Moored University (LJMU)

Keren Coney

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13. Travelling to the sound of a different beat: exploring feelings of difference in late-diagnosed autistic women

Michaela Herriett

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14. Sensory sensitivities, interoceptive difficulties and body shape concerns in autistic women with restrictive eating disorders

Charli Babb, Janina Brede, Catherine R.G. Jones, Mair Elliot, Cathy Zanker, Lucy Serpell, Will Mandy and John R.E. Fox

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Charli explaining their research on Youtube.

15. Perception of lexical tone and intonation in Mandarin by English speakers with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Anamarija Veic, Tim Williams and Fang Liu

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16. Autistic traits, future thinking and suicidality

Mary E. Stewart, Kym Craig, Rory O'Connor and Stephanie Lee

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17. "No way out except from external intervention" First-hand experiences of autistic inertia

Karen Leneh Buckle, Kathy Leadbitter, Ellen Poliakoff, Emma Gowen

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18. Development of the pupillary light reflex from 9- to 24-months: association with later autism diagnosis

Laurel Fish

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