We work with leading experts from around the UK to stream free live webinars to you in the comfort of your own home.
The webinar series will be back in 2025.
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Are there topics you would like to see us cover in a webinar? Email us at events@autistica.org.uk.
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The links below will open the recorded webinar on our YouTube channel.
Deconstructing diagnostic categories: Shifting the narrative on neurodivergence
Part of a series of Embracing Complexity webinars to discuss topics related to the Top 10 Research Priorities on neurodivergence, as laid out by Embracing Complexity members.
November 2024.
Watch nowNew training toolkit: Sensory-Inclusive Spaces for Autistic People
Autistica's Strengths and Needs Profiles Project: Findings summary
Exploring autistic/ non-autistic romantic relationships
Understanding eating behaviour in autistic people
With Dr Josephine Neale, Dr Elizabeth Evans and Nicole Kirkland.
May 2024.
Key takeaways and full webinar transcript.
Watch nowInfluencing suicide prevention policy in partnership with autistic people
Autism and menopause
With Dr Rachel Moseley, Professor Julie Gamble-Turner, Dr Richard De Visser and Professor Rebecca Charlton.
October 2023.
Watch nowCo-designing online platforms for sensory processing
With the AutSpaces project team: Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Georgia Aitkenhead, Susanna Fantoni and James Scott.
October 2023.
Watch nowDo we need to think differently about suicide prevention for autistic people?
Social anxiety
How do autistic children learn words?
Supporting early executive function development
Anxiety in autistic people who speak few or no words
Levelling the employment playing field
Social media and autistic users: what should change
Embracing Complexity: Research Into Neurodevelopmental Conditions Beyond Diagnostic Categories
With Professor Nelya Koteyko, Dr Belen Pena, Jack Welch, and Dr Simona Manni.
January 2023.
Watch nowAutistic adults' experiences in mental health services
Conversations Not Assumptions: SIRG webinar on mental health
An Embracing Complexity webinar with Zoe Torsney, Dr Giorgia Michelini, Saffron Baldoza, Dr Sinead Rhodes
Dr Suzi Sapiets and Kate Higney
The Q&A panel included: Dr Elizabeth Corcoran, Georgia Harper and Laurene Fontan
June 2022.
Watch now on FacebookHow does where you live affect access to early support?
An Embracing Complexity webinar with Dr Suzi Sapiets, Sophie Laxton and Caitlin Moriarty
July 2021.
How does trauma affect people with neurodevelopmental conditions?
An Embracing Complexity Facebook Live with Professor Helen Minnis, Dr Jason Lang, Dr Tony Lloyd and Dr Alan Price.
May 2021.